Christmas. It’s that time of year when life becomes illuminated. As Charles Dickens says “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” I mean he wasn’t talking about Christmas. Or was he? I never read “A Tale of Two Cities.” But, whatever he was talking about, he hit the nail on the head about Christmas.
At Christmas time, whatever is magnificent in your life seems to glow. And, whatever is lacking, well, the spotlight seems to shine on that as well.
So, if your relationships are fractured…If you are experiencing financial hardship…If you have had a great year…If you have lost a loved one…If you are with loved ones…It’s all there – laid out like a feast – or famine – on the proverbial Christmas table.
Let’s take a deep breath and recognize that we are all in different places. Let’s love those we love – and even those we tolerate. Let’s give where and when we can. And, let’s recognize that who we are, what we have and what we do is enough.
When I say Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays – I’m not one who beats my chest about that whole thing. Happy Holidays is just as sweet – sweeter if you don’t celebrate Christmas. But, I digress. As usual.) I mean this:
I want to celebrate this time in our lives. I want to celebrate a holiday that proclaims, Love Triumphs. I want to celebrate you and me. I want to be thankful for what we have and forget about what we don’t. I want to recognize not only what is, but what can be – or might be.
Peace on earth. Peace in our hearts. Love. Love. Love.
Merry Christmas.