What is SolFul Living All About

The Mission

Hi, I’m Amanda Soler, Founder of Solful Living. SolFul Living arose out of my spending many many years – over three decades –  helping people to grow their businesses. While helping people, either meeting with them one-on-one, connecting them with resources, producing business programs, or offering forums for their professional growth, I came to an understanding that when building a business, we have to build upon so many aspects of ourselves that may or may not involve our profession. In other words, I often found myself talking, not about cash management or marketing, but about confidence, self-worth and finding joy in the journey. 

When working, raising a family, educating ourselves and living lives, we tend to sabotage ourselves and stop our joy. We tell ourselves that joy is possible when we have made a certain amount of money, or lost ten pounds, or found a perfect relationship, climbed a mountain, had a child – our lists are endless. 

Solful Living is about loving your journey. It’s about finding purpose each day and creating joyful moments in the midst of failure and success, chaos and pain, happy times and times that are filled with grief. 

I hope you read some of the stories on the site, check out the resources for a happier and more meaningful life, join one of our workshops, learn to meditate, listen to the podcast or simply think about how you can live a more purpose-centered and joyful life. 

We’re all in this together.



Our Core Values

Connection, Kindness, Transformation