
Amanda Soler is the founder of SolFul Living, a collective formed to provide resources and support for people building businesses fueled by passion and purpose. She utilizes her work of over 30 years networking and providing courses, series and one-on-one experiences for entrepreneurs and professionals.

September 11

Kissing goodbye. Arguing. Rushing. I’m picturing my mornings. “Goodbye.” “Love you.” “Did you take the trash out?” “Get your shoes on. We’re late for the bus!” The madcap scramble of mornings. September 11, 2001 is an anniversary that compels us to look our mornings squarely in the face and realize that those hasty hugs and […]

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Measurement & Barbie

I’m working on bringing some of my older blogs into this SolFul Living website. This one jumped out at me because it’s pre-Barbie movie. But, it kind of expresses some of the thoughts I had when I saw the Barbie movie. Being a woman is hard. So, supporting one another is hella important (and saying

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Make your bed. Write three pages. Meditate. Gratitude. Brush Your teeth. These are just some of the ways we’re told to begin our day. Okay. The brushing your teeth one is a non-negotiable. But, the others… Do they ever bore you? Sometimes, I get bored by words that I know are intrinsic to the leveling

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Meet Pat Singer

Pat Singer Why do artists create? I suppose there are as many reasons as there are art – and artists. But, one things seems abundantly clear from the countless interviews I have enjoyed with artists. Artists are compelled to create art. Whether they do this as a full-time occupation, a hobby, an every-day activity or

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Happy New Year

Here we go again. We say goodbye to another year and hello to the new one. Who determined that January 1 was the start of another year? Hang on. I’ll check. Be right back. Okay, so a hasty google search turned up that Julius Caesar picked January because the god Janus symbolized new beginnings. Then

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We all think we know what Kindness is – kind of like LOVE. It’s a big word. And, we get it, right? It’s doing something selfless with no thought for ourselves and all thought and positive intention toward the recipient of our kindness, right? But, kindness, much like love or hate or networking (I know

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