When I spoke with Taylor, the subject of a today’s podcast, she spoke about how, before her cancer diagnosis she was a whole different person. She is no longer the person she used to be.
It got me thinking.
Are any of us the person we used to be? And, if we are, is that a good or a bad thing?
Shouldn’t we be evolving?
Are you able to look back at yourself a decade ago – or if you have had a year like I have (!) – a year ago and see a different person?
Who are we really?
When Taylor and I spoke (podcast link below) we talked about snakes and how they shed their skins. Maybe we are like the snakes in that respect.
Once I remember on a family vacation, we found a big rock that had some snake scales along with some of the snake’s blood.
The snake had used this pointed and jagged rock to help scrape the skin off to get to the new skin below. I guess shedding our skin isn’t as simple as flinging it off. It involves work, effort, even pain.
But, there is new skin underneath. And, maybe that is the point. Casting off who we were to become who we are might just be an essential part of life – if growth is part of life’s point.
Interestingly, after the podcast recording as I walked my dog I noticed her sniffing intently. When I looked down, you guessed it. A snake – a little snake, frozen under my dog Evie’s inquiring nose.
So, off Evie and I went leaving the snake to make her way in the springtime grass.
I hope you listen to this week’s podcast and think about self-advocacy in the world of healthcare and beyond; resiliency and strength – boy does Taylor have tons of both; and growth.
Happy shedding!
PODCAST LINK: https://spoti.fi/3niMcVC (Spotify)
https://apple.co/40lFLjb (Apple)