By Nancy Gifford Humphreys
One of my earliest childhood memories is experiencing the Christmas Show at Rockefeller Center, New York. My grandmother took me there and back by train from our small town in northern New Jersey. I can still remember what the lobby looked like then, and of course I remember the stunning Rockettes. There was a movie added to the show in those days, too. And who could ever forget that enormous Christmas tree?
Last year my husband and I took our two oldest grandchildren, Owen age 7 and Claire age 4 ½. They were enchanted and wide eyed. Claire sat on my lap as Owen ate his popcorn and watched the colorful scenes through his 3D glasses. The show was much more high tech than it was when I went with my grandma, but the Rockettes performed with exactly the same incredible precision, just as they have for decades. The beautiful live Nativity scene walked across the stage, animals and all. And I know for certain that it was the same real Santa who made an appearance; the one I had seen there as a child.
When I was at my grandchildren’s house a few months ago, Owen opened up the treasure chest that I had given him for his last birthday. He took out the 3D glasses that he had worn at the Christmas Show and held them up. Owen didn’t have to say a word, and my heart melted. We both smiled.
In December 2021, let’s plan to take a child, grandchild, niece or nephew to a live performance; a holiday concert, Christmas pageant, The Nutcracker Suite, or even the Christmas show at Rockefeller center. When we celebrate the holidays through music, theatre and dance, we are moved into a magical world where we see the season sparkle through the eyes of a child. And if we let ourselves, we become that child.
This year? We can sing carols, read the Christmas story by candlelight, play music, and dance with our loved ones- or even dance alone, with the shades down. We can still celebrate, and we can still learn to be “enchanted and wide-eyed.” Feliz Navidad!