
We all think we know what Kindness is – kind of like LOVE. It’s a big word. And, we get it, right?

It’s doing something selfless with no thought for ourselves and all thought and positive intention toward the recipient of our kindness, right?

But, kindness, much like love or hate or networking (I know it feels like one of these things is not like the other. But, stay with me), is loaded.

We can do something “Kind,” because we want to elevate our status or enhance our reputation. If that’s the case, is it still kind?

We can do those “random acts of kindness,” like, “Hey, I’m paying for the dude’s coffee in the car behind me,” And, then does dude have to follow suit? And, if dude does, is he doing it because it’s expected – kind of a pain – but, whatever – and is that still kind?

Is it kind if you help someone, then post about it? Like, hey everyone, I did something kind. I would like a little back slap, please. I mean, maybe that’s just human. We all like a little praise. The good thing we did is still kind, right? But, maybe it moves us down a notch on the kindness ladder.

Maybe there are kindness levels.

Like Love.

If I LOVE the shoes I’m wearing, it’s a little less important than if I love my mom, right?

And, if I do something to help someone I love is that still kind? Or, is that what you do when  you love someone so it’s actually love. Or, is love always kind?

So many questions. And, I’m tired of thinking about it. So, I’m not even going to delve into networking.

Aren’t you thankful, dear readers?

PS Thankful. That is another loaded word. Alright. I really will stop now.

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